AB950,28,10 3(4) If the board has probable cause to believe that a candidate has made excess
4disbursements or has accepted excess contributions and the board is unable to
5correct the matter by informal methods within the time prescribed in sub. (3), the
6board shall make a public finding of probable cause in the matter. After making a
7public finding, the board shall bring an action in the circuit court for Dane County
8or, in the case of a candidate for legislative office, in the circuit court for any county
9any portion of which is contained within the district in which the candidate seeks
10office, to impose a forfeiture under sub. (1) or (2).
AB950,28,17 11(5) If an elector believes that a candidate has violated ss. 11.502 to 11.522 and
12the elector is entitled to vote for or against the candidate in the election in connection
13with which the violation is alleged to occur, the elector may file a complaint with the
14board requesting it to take remedial action. If the board refuses to take remedial
15action or, within 30 days after the filing of such a complaint, fails to take remedial
16action, the elector may commence a civil action in the appropriate circuit court under
17sub. (4) requesting the court to impose a forfeiture under sub. (1) or (2).
AB950,28,21 18(6) If the board believes that a violation of ss. 11.502 to 11.522 by a member of
19the legislature has occurred, the board may make a recommendation to the presiding
20officer of the appropriate house concerning appropriate disciplinary action,
21including expulsion, to be taken in light of the violation.
AB950,28,24 22(7) The board and courts shall expedite all proceedings under ss. 11.502 to
2311.522 so that all complaints brought prior to an election are resolved, to the extent
24possible, before the election is held.
1(8) If a complaint brought under ss. 11.502 to 11.522 is resolved against the
2complainant and is found to have been brought in bad faith and without reasonable
3basis therefor, the board or court may assess costs, including reasonable attorney
4fees, against the complainant.
AB950,29,9 511.518 Prohibited acts. (1) If a candidate or agent of a candidate knowingly
6accepts more contributions than the candidate is entitled to receive, or makes
7disbursements exceeding the amount of the public financing benefit received by the
8candidate, the candidate or agent may be fined not more than $25,000 or imprisoned
9for not more than 5 years or both.
AB950,29,14 10(2) If a candidate who receives a public financing benefit, or an agent of such
11a candidate, knowingly makes a disbursement by means other than through use of
12the fair election debit card, except as permitted under s. 11.515 (3), the candidate or
13agent may be fined not more than $25,000 or imprisoned for not more than 5 years
14or both.
AB950,29,19 15(3) If, in connection with the receipt or disbursement of a public financing
16benefit for an election campaign, any person knowingly provides false information
17to the board, or knowingly conceals or withholds information from the board, that
18person may be fined not more than $25,000 or imprisoned for not more than 5 years
19or both.
AB950,29,23 2011.519 Mass mailings. (1) No person may conduct any mass mailing using
21state funds on behalf of any person who is a candidate for state office in the general
22election during the period between July 1 and December 31 in the year of that
AB950,30,6 24(2) If any person uses state funds to conduct a mass mailing on behalf of any
25person who is a candidate for state office at the general election during the period

1between March 1 and June 30 preceding that election, the board shall immediately
2credit the accounts of all other eligible candidates for the same office sought by the
3person on behalf of whom the mailing is conducted with an additional line of credit
4equal to the cost of printing and mailing of that mass mailing, which may be used
5solely to fund a mailing promoting the candidacy of the candidate who receives the
AB950,30,10 7(3) A candidate for state office at the general election who plans to use state
8funds for a mass mailing shall notify the board in writing of his or her intent to do
9so no later than March 1 preceding the general election, and shall complete the
10mailing by the following June 30.
AB950,30,16 11(4) All mass mailings funded by the state on behalf of any person who is a
12candidate for state office at the general election during the period between March 1
13and June 30 preceding that election and all mass mailings authorized under sub. (2)
14shall be issue-oriented and nonpolitical, shall not mention any of a candidate's
15opponents by name and shall be reviewed and approved by the board for compliance
16with such requirements in advance of the mailing.
AB950,30,19 17(5) Except as permitted under sub. (2), no state funds may be used by any
18incumbent elective state officer to conduct a mass mailing on behalf of a candidate
19for state office at the general election after June 30 preceding that election.
AB950,30,23 2011.522 Contributions to nonparticipating candidates; attributions. A
21nonparticipating candidate may accept contributions from private sources without
22limitation, except that no person may make any contribution or contributions to a
23nonparticipating candidate exceeding a total of $1,000 during any campaign.
AB950, s. 33 24Section 33. 14.58 (20) of the statutes is repealed.
AB950, s. 34
1Section 34. 20.510 (1) (q) of the statutes is renumbered 20.585 (1) (q) and
2amended to read:
AB950,31,63 20.585 (1) (q) (title) Wisconsin election campaign Democracy trust fund. As a
4continuing appropriation, from the Wisconsin election campaign democracy trust
5fund, the moneys determined under s. 11.50 ss. 11.501 to 11.522 to provide for
6payments to eligible candidates certified under s. 7.08 (2) (c).
AB950, s. 35 7Section 35. 20.575 (1) (r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB950,31,98 20.575 (1) (r) Democracy trust fund administration. From the democracy trust
9fund, a sum sufficient for the administration of ss. 11.501 to 11.522.
AB950, s. 36 10Section 36. 20.585 (1) (r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB950,31,1211 20.585 (1) (r) Democracy trust fund administration. From the democracy trust
12fund, a sum sufficient for the administration of ss. 11.501 to 11.522.
AB950, s. 37 13Section 37. 20.855 (4) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
AB950, s. 38 14Section 38. 25.17 (1) (ys) of the statutes is renumbered 25.17 (1) (cm) and
15amended to read:
AB950,31,1616 25.17 (1) (cm) Wisconsin election campaign Democracy trust fund (s. 25.42);
AB950, s. 39 17Section 39. 25.42 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB950,31,25 1825.42 (title) Wisconsin election campaign Democracy trust fund. All
19moneys appropriated under s. 20.855 (4) (b) together with all moneys reverting to the
20state under s. 11.50 (8) and all gifts, bequests and devises received under s. 11.50 (13)
21constitute the Wisconsin election campaign
that accrue to the state under ss. 71.025,
2271.235 and 71.435 and all moneys deposited in the state treasury under s. 11.509
23constitute the democracy trust
fund, to be expended for the purposes of s. 11.50 ss.
2411.501 to 11.522
. All moneys in the fund not disbursed by the state treasurer shall
25continue to accumulate indefinitely.
AB950, s. 40
1Section 40. 71.025 of the statutes is created to read:
AB950,32,4 271.025 Surtax. (1) In this section, "income tax payable to this state" means
3the tax as computed at the rates under s. 71.06 without reduction for any payments
4or credits.
AB950,32,9 5(2) There is imposed and there shall be collected and paid, in addition to and
6in the same manner as the tax imposed under s. 71.02 (1), including those provisions
7relating to refunds and overpayments, a surtax equal to 0.5% of the income tax
8payable to this state. The surtax is part of the tax for determining any underpayment
9or declaring estimated taxes.
AB950, s. 41 10Section 41. 71.10 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
AB950, s. 42 11Section 42. 71.235 of the statutes is created to read:
AB950,32,14 1271.235 Surtax. (1) In this section, "income tax or franchise tax payable to this
13state" means the taxes as computed at the rates under s. 71.27 without reduction for
14any payments or credits.
AB950,32,19 15(2) There is imposed and there shall be collected and paid, in addition to and
16in the same manner as the taxes imposed under s. 71.23, including those provisions
17relating to refunds and overpayments, a surtax equal to 0.5% of the income tax or
18franchise tax payable to this state. The surtax is part of the tax for determining any
19underpayment or declaring estimated taxes.
AB950, s. 43 20Section 43. 71.435 of the statutes is created to read:
AB950,32,23 2171.435 Surtax. (1) In this section, "income tax or franchise tax payable to this
22state" means the taxes as computed at the rates under s. 71.46 without reduction for
23any payments or credits.
AB950,33,3 24(2) There is imposed and there shall be collected and paid, in addition to and
25in the same manner as the taxes imposed under s. 71.43, including those provisions

1relating to refunds and overpayments, a surtax equal to 0.5% of the income tax or
2franchise tax payable to this state. The surtax is part of the tax for determining any
3underpayment or declaring estimated taxes.
AB950, s. 44 4Section 44. Initial applicability.
AB950,33,75 (1) Surtaxes. The treatment of sections 71.025, 71.235 and 71.435 of the
6statutes first applies to taxable years beginning on the January 1 after the effective
7date of this subsection.
AB950,33,88 (End)